With barely a fortnight left to MOVING DAY, and the new home not even painted yet, things are getting super frantic here at CS7. I've gotten boxes piled up high with stuff that has got to exit as soon as the primer has been slapped onto the walls of G5.
We are sending bulky items in first. Why? Coz they'll make nicks when they move down the narrow corridor to their dwelling places in the two bedrooms. Three cupboards are now full of the many, many boxes and will depart on the first trip.
In the meantime, we are refugees in our own home! Sigh! Each family member has been assigned one suitcase and has been told to select only as much as needed for a fortnight which has to fit into that suitcase. Aaron and myself had no problem, but Kirsten is a hoarder so he got the biggest suitcase of them all.
Can you spot Kirsten's suitcase? |
The boxes were numbered, and a screenshot taken once each cupboard got full, so that the person refilling them at the new flat will know exactly what to do.
The list of contents of each box is written on the box, coded depending on its contents. For example, kitchen is marked K, those destined for the master bedroom MB, and so on.
Since the cupboards are going a week earlier than us, we have to slum it out for several days till the "twain shall meet". Our nest is getting EMPTY in phases!
When the painting and electrical works are completed, we make our MOVE TO BASTORA. The only things we leave behind are some old furniture for a future potential tenant. AND our pets.
No, no, don't get me wrong. We are not leaving our pets for a future tenant. They remain in the house just for a night. It will be too dramatic taking them on the same day we are getting our bearings! Ebony has never travelled by car except once when she was taken to be spayed. She was five months then, way back in 2013 and she's 10 years now. So we anticipate some resistance. And when we 'land her' at G5, there will be those stray dogs to welcome her plus the next door pet dog. Grrr!
I expect to take two weeks to fully find my roots and settle down sufficiently enough to welcome guests into our home. The place, being tiny, will accommodate just one family at a time so I am gonna have what we call in real-estate lingo - OPEN HOUSE.
Every Saturday and Sunday evening, we will open our home to one family or group to come visit us, so that they can see the changes made and fellowship with us. And, as they leave, there's a small surprise awaiting them. Won't say what now, but if you are someone we know or someone who wants to know us, do let us know a day prior to coming so we are ready for you and your dear family.
Hospitality has always been a Christian virtue. In the Old Testament we read of Abraham being hospitable to three strangers. ( Genesis 18)
We see the widow at Zarephath being hospitable to prophet Elijah. (1Kings 17)
The early church leaders encouraged the practice of hospitality to strangers for "some have entertained angels..." (Hebrews 13)
Jesus himself was the recipient of hospitality, being invited by sinners (Matthew, Zacchaeus) and the righteous (Simon the Pharisee) alike. He extended hospitality at the Last Supper.
If you'd like to know more about Christian HOSPITALITY, read the article:
So, see you at G5 in a month from now. No reservations, just let us know a day earlier so we are prepared to entertain you. Shalom Shanti till then!
Watch this video
Two barriers to hospitality
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