The Sarpanch,
Bastora Panchayat
Mapusa, North Goa
Date: 29 November 2023
Re: Encroachment and health hazard of Mr Vinod Pironcar on property of Ganesh Apartments, Birmottem, Bastora.
Dear Sir,
I, Glenn Ribeiro Sa, resident of Ganesh Apartments, Birmottem Bastora, owner of Flat G5 Ground floor of the same building, wish to appeal to the panchayat board to assist in resolving a health problem which is also now an encroachment issue.
My neighbour Mr Vinod Pironcar had erected a temporary shelter in the backyard of his property where he is to date burning firewood to boil water for bath.
This temporary shelter gave way on 15 May 2023 and fell into our building compound and has not been removed.
The health problem is that the smoke from the firewood stove comes into my windows. My wife is an asthmatic patient and cannot tolerate the smoke. So, we are forced to close our windows and open them only when the stove is put out.
I would like you'll to inspect the said property, review the issue at hand and suggest that Mr Vinod Pironcar either stop burning firewood in his backyard or that he erect a wall to avoid the smoke from entering my flat.
IMMEDIATE removal of the temporary shelter is imperative as snakes can lurk underneath and we are at direct risk of such dangers, being closest to the place. The shelter collapsed on May 15 and repeated requests to remove it has fallen on deaf ears.
Hoping for full cooperation from your trusted authoritative body for welfare of residents of Bastora,
I remain
Yours sincerely,
Mr Glenn Ribeiro Sa
93222 81886
The Public Health Officer,
PHC, Aldona, North Goa.
Date: December 2023
Re: Health hazard of Mr Vinod Pironcar to residents of Ganesh Apartments, Birmottem, Bastora.
Dear Sir,
I, Glenn Ribeiro Sa, resident of Ganesh Apartments, Birmottem Bastora, owner of Flat G5 Ground floor of the same building, wish to appeal to the department to assist in resolving a health problem.
Our neighbour, Mr Vinod Pironcar, is to date burning firewood to boil water for bathing purpose twice a day. The smoke from the firewood stove comes into our house through the windows and doors. The soot collects on the glass panes on outer side.
My wife is an asthmatic patient and cannot tolerate the smoke. So, we are forced to close our windows and open them only when the stove is put out.
I would like you to inspect the said property, review the issue and ask Mr Vinod Pironcar to stop burning firewood in his backyard.
Hoping for full cooperation from your trusted authoritative body for the welfare of residents of Bastora.
I remain
Yours sincerely,
Mr Glenn Ribeiro Sa
93222 81886
Site inspection was done on 27 Dec 2023 between 11.50 am and 12.30pm. Vinod made verbal counter complaint about the wall and septic tank leakage into culvert. This was irrelevant as that is concerning the building whereas my complaint was personal.
Aside: Glenn went at 11.30 but was told that site inspection was already done. We knew no one had come so I sent Glenn to the panchayat office again to confirm and wait until someone came. Finally, the sarpanch, ward member and peon came and did the inspection, took Glenn's signature and left after a short discussion on the formation of the society. Brenda S6 was present and will be submitting RTI application today. She took pictures of my sale deed with Juliet as well as the sale deed made with Gopal Construction and Juliet in 2015.
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